4 O p e r a t i O n
A maximum of 8 digits can be entered for a cost centre.
For the Grundig an BOSCH On-Board Unit only:
As soon as the vehicle starts to move, the user data query is no
longer displayed. When the speed reaches 18 km/h, the display
switches automatically to operating mode and the set number
of axles and the vehicle weight from the previous route are ap-
For the Continental On-Board Unit only:
When the vehicle has been moving for more than three seconds,
the user data query is no longer displayed. The display switches
automatically to operating mode and the set number of axles
and the vehicle weight from the previous route are applied.
You can enter a cost centre for your route.
Cost centre
Enter the first digit of your cost
centre using the or but-
tons. To switch to the next digit,
press the button. Repeat
these steps to enter additional
digits. To correct an entry, use
the button to return to the
previously entered digits. Con-
firm the desired cost centre
with .
Enter the first digit of your cost
centre using the
button. To
switch to the next digit, press
button. Repeat these
steps to enter additional digits.
To correct the previously en-
tered digits, use the
to select the function and
then confirm with
. You can
now correct the previously en-
tered digits using the
ton. Confirm the desired cost
centre with
cost centre
cost centre
cost centre
query on
cost centre
query off
cost centre
cost centre
cost centre
cost centre
cost centre
query on
cost centre
query off
cost centre
cost centre