IP-EN1-EB Instruction Manual
6.3 SX-2000 Settings
6.3.1 Mandatory Indication
Some control outputs are fixed by the SX-2000 system, others require a preparation. Before
preparing the failure settings, prepare 5 control output pattern for activating the indication
panel IP-EN1-EB. Since any control output can be used for the fault output, here we use the
control outputs of the SX-2000SM as an example written in rectangle brackets [#]. Fault Indications
In the first step, prepare the “Surveillance Settings”. Set a check for
“DC Power” of each SX-2000 component
“DS Link” of each DS link connected to VX-2000DS / VX-3000DS
“RM” on the SX-2100 where an emergency/fireman microphone is connected
- Each amplifier (used for emergency)
- Each loudspeaker line (used for emergency)
In the second step proceed as described below:
No.* Indication
SX-2000 connector
to IP-EN1-EB
Pattern Settings / Failure Output
4 General
Status control
output 1 to CN3
and any control
output [6] to CN2,
pins 1 and 3
- select DS LINK, DC FUSE, RM LINK; all SX-2000
components, all emergency/fireman microphones,
all amplifiers and all speaker lines
- select th
e “Failure status output” for the general
fault indication of the indication panel [6]
5 CPU fault
6 Power fault Any control output
to CN7 pin 5
- select DS LINK;
select the “Failure status output” for controlling
the power fault indication of the indication panel [1]
7 Fireman/
Any control output
to CN7 pin 6
select “RM LINK”;
- select each fireman/emergency microphone of the
- select th
e “Failure status output” for the fireman
microphone fault indication of the indication panel
8 Fuse fault
Any control output
to CN7 pin 3
select “DC FUSE”
- select th
e “Failure status output” for the amplifier
fault indication of the indication panel [3]
9 Network
Any control output
to CN7 pin 7
Event Settings
: assign “external failure input” to all
control inputs to which the fault control outputs of the
Ethernet switches are connected to.
Pattern settings / failure Output
make a pattern for each Ethernet switch fault:
- select
the “external failure input” prepared (above)
select the “Failure status output” for controlling the
network fault indication of the indication panel [4]
Make another pattern for each Ethernet switch fault:
select the “external failure input” prepared (above)
select the “Failure Status Output” for the general
fault indication of the indication panel [6]
12 buzzer
Status control
output 2 to CN5
No settings required (fixed function)
number as on “Appearance Front Panel”, page 3