While scrolling, once you reach the YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW
pattern you know you are on effect No8, the last effect in that bank.
The bank light will also turn red. One more click and you are back to
effect No1 RED RED RED. Scrolling will continuously load the effects
in a loop 1..2..3…...7..8..1..2..3 etc.
These FX modules were designed on the concept of scrolling and
auditioning the effects live. We recommend scrolling while listening
and stop on the effect you like. The module will remember which
program you last used in a bank so when you switch between banks
you can switch between 3 of your favorite effects, one in each bank.
To switch to the next bank, just hold down the next bank button
down and a new bank will load up into the DSP.
The Effects Program section for each module has the LED patterns
for each effect. It might be useful for the first time using the module
to print or look up the table while scrolling to get familiar with the
type of effects.