Diffuse Chorus Echo
Adds Diffusion to the input and echo repeats creating more of a
detuned wash to the sound. The diffusion is modulated by internal
LFOs for detuning/chorusing and the output is in stereo.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Wobbly Tape Echo
An internal LFO modulates the delay time slightly to give some
wobble chorus/vibrato to the sound. The modulation rate is tied to
the Filter control and speeds up as the filter cutoff increases. Both
the Feedback amount and Delay time influence the depth of the
wobble: High feedback increases the wobble effect as does shorter
delay times. Mono output.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Warp Pong
Stereo Ping Pong delays with internal LFOs modulating the
delay time. Each side has a different modulation rate that increases
as the Filter control is raised. Feedback and delay Time also change
the depth of the modulation. Stereo output.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line