Delay Programs for Z5000
The Z5000 Delay programs come from many years of development
of the Z-DSP cards. Most of the programs in this set began life on
the Z-DSP and are chosen to give a wide range of options from basic
mono digital and tape delays to complex multi-taps.
Mono Digital Delay
Basic mono digital delay line with a low pass filter in the
feedback loop. The delay time can be modulated without glitching
and produces an FM type effect. At max feedback the sound will
loop for a long time but also slightly degrade over time.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of lowpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Mono Tape Echo
Mono Tape Echo program with a bandpass filter and tape
saturation in the feedback loop. Feedback is also overdriven to get
some of the runaway oscillations found in real tape machine echo
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line