Diffuse Band Delays
A delay line with six taps each run through a different band pass
filter. The taps are useful rhythmic ratios (1:1, 1:2, 3:4, etc). The
feedback loop has diffusion to wash out the repeats over time.
Time - Delay time
Filter - adjusts modulation and diffusion parameters
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Tape Chorus
A mono Tape Echo feeds a stereo Chorus. The Filter control
also changes the rate of the Chorus modulation: lower cutoff is a
slower LFO and the speed increases as the filter cutoffs do as well.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter and rate of chorus
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Warp Pong
A stereo ping pong delay using the Tape Echo algorithm but
with a warping to the speed of the tape. The Filter control also
influences the warping speed a little bit.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line