3 Head Mixed Echo
A three head Echo in the style of some famous 70s units. The
three heads are continuously blended between using the Filter
control. The output is stereo.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter and mix of three heads
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
3 Head Switch Echo
The Filter control also switches between combinations of the 3
heads (1+2, 1+3, 2+3, 1+2+3). Note that there may be slight jumps in
the sound when switching. Stereo output.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter and switching between heads
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line
Chorus Echo
Like the Mono Echo in program 1, but with a stereo Chorus after
the delay. The speed of the Chorus increases as the Filter control
moves to high pass.
Time - delay time
Filter - cutoff of bandpass filter and chorus rate
Feedback - amount of feedback into the delay line