- (Factory Default Value = 13 bps) The Rate-of-Fire menu item may be used to
change the Safe Full-Auto Firing mode. This is the only Firing Mode which is affected by this
menu item. All other Firing modes cannot have their rate of fire adjusted. This menu item can
be changed only to values of 8 bps to 15 bps.
Firing Mode
- (Factory Default Value = 2 Safe Full-Auto) The Firing Mode menu item is used
to change the default Firing Mode. The values and corresponding Firing Modes are listed
1. Safe Three-Shot Burst
2. Safe Full-Auto (factory default)
3. Auto-Response
4. Turbo Mode
5. Semi-Automatic
The Firing Mode menu item can only be changed to a value of 1 through 5.
Programming Navigation
Entering Programming
- Unload the marker (page 10) and remove the air/CO2 supply
(page 15). Never attempt to do Advanced Programming on a pressurized marker! Make sure
the barrel blocking device is installed (page 4). If applicable, move the Selector Switch to the
Safe position (page 6).
1. Begin by making the marker uncocked. Point the marker in a safe direction. Remove the
barrel blocking device. Move the Selector Switch to F mode. Pull the trigger once. Move
the Selector Switch back to the S mode. Replace the barrel blocking device. Marker is
now uncocked.
2. Power off the E-Grip. (Press and hold the Power Button for 2 seconds, the LED
changes to solid red color, release the Power Button and the E-Grip powers down.)
3. Put the Selector Switch in the F position.
4. Pull and hold the trigger until released in step 6.
5. Power up the E-Grip. When the LED glows green, release the Power Button and keep
watching the LED for color change.
6. After 5 seconds, the LED turns to solid red color. Release the trigger. You are now in the
main programming menu.
Cycling through the menu
- To cycle through the menu items, pull and release the trigger.
Each time the trigger is pulled and released, a different color code is displayed by the LED as
listed in
Advanced Programming
(page 12).
Enter a menu option
- Once the LED displays the color code of the desired menu item, pull
and hold the trigger for two seconds.
Current Value
- Upon entering a menu item, the LED begins flashing red. The flashes
represent the current menu value. The current value is flashed twice with a short pause
between the value flashes. If a new value is not entered before the end of the second value
flash display, the electronics automatically return to the main menu.
Enter a new value
- Any time while the LED is flashing the current value, a new value can
be entered by pulling and releasing the trigger. Each pull and release of the trigger counts as
1 when entering the new value. For example, to enter a number 5, pull and release the trigger
five times.
Successfully updated menu confirmation
- Once you enter a new value for a menu
item, the LED flashes red/orange/green twice to signify an acceptable value has been
entered. The electronics then returns to the main menu. If an unacceptable value is entered,
the LED quickly flashes red, and returns to the main menu. The value of the menu item
remains unchanged if this happens.