Product Manual for IonPac CS16
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General Operating Conditions
CS16 0.5-mm Capillary Column (+ CG16 0.5-mm Capillary Guard Column)
CS16 5-mm Analytical Column (+ CG16 5-mm Guard Column);
CS16 3-mm Analytical Column (+ CG16 3-mm Guard Column)
Sample Volume 0.5-mm CS16:
0.4 µL Loop
Sample Volume 5-mm CS16:
25 µL Loop + 0.8 µL Injection valve dead volume
Sample Volume 3-mm CS16:
10 µL Loop + 0.8 µL Injection valve dead volume
30 mM Methanesulfonic acid (MSA)
Eluent Flow Rate CS16 5-mm:
1.0 mL/min
Eluent Flow Rate CS16 3-mm
0.36 mL/min
Eluent Flow Rate CS16 0.5-mm
0.010 mL/min
Temperature: 40
SRS Suppressor:
Cation Self-Regenerating Suppressor 300 (4-mm) in AutoSuppression
Recycle Mode for the CS16 5-mm;
for CS16 3-mm use the CSRS 300 (2-mm)
or CES Suppressor:
Cation Capillary Electrolytic Suppressor, CCES 300 (0.4-mm)
or MMS Suppressor:
Cation MicroMembrane Suppressor, CMMS 300 (2-mm or 4-mm)
MMS Regenerant:
Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide (TBAOH)
MMS Mode:
Displacement Chemical Regeneration (DCR) Mode is recommended
Expected Background Conductivity:
< 3 µS
Storage Solution:
Operating Precautions
IonPac CS16 Operation Precautions
Operate below 4,000 psi (27.57 MPa)
Filter and Degas Eluents
Filter Samples
Do not use this column with alcohols
Chemical Purity Requirements
Reliable, consistent and accurate results require eluents free of ionic impurities. Chemicals, solvents and deionized water
used to prepare eluents must be of the highest purity available. Low trace impurities and low particle levels in eluents also
help to protect your ion exchange columns and system components. Dionex cannot guarantee proper column performance
when the quality of the chemicals, solvents and water used to prepare eluents has been compromised.
Deionized Water
The deionized water used to prepare eluents should be Type I Reagent Grade Water with a specific resistance of 18.2
megohm-cm. The deionized water should be free of ionized impurities, organics, microorganisms and particulate matter
larger than 0.2 µm. Filter water with a 0.2 µm filter. Bottled HPLC-Grade Water (with the exception of Burdick & Jackson)
should not be used since most bottled water contains an unacceptable level of ionic impurities.
Document No. 031747-05
© 2010 Dionex Corporation
December 2010