Thermo Scientific AquaSensors
Ethernet Communications User Guide
Figure 8: Endpoint power sourcing equipment, Mode B. The product is the Powered End Station.
The rest of this section describes the hardware setup of each form of the product.
3.1 Ethernet Communications Adapter
The DataStick measurement system consists of three parts as shown in Figure 9 that are
assembled at Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Figure 9: The three parts of the DataStick measurement system.
The Adapter can be removed and replaced in the field. This may be desirable for any
number of reasons, some of which are:
Ethernet Diagnostics: Observe the Link/Activity LED to confirm the
communications link
DataStick Diagnostics: Temporarily plug in a USB Communications Adapter for
PC diagnostics
Repair: Replace a damaged DataStick assembly without rewiring
Change Measurement: Quickly swap the Sensor Head with a spare that’s been
calibrated in the laboratory
1. Plug-in Ethernet Adapter
2. DataStick Body
3. Plug-in Sensor Head