Appendix A
– Current Settings
Thermo Scientific
Product Manual for the ERS 500 Suppressor
Page 72 of 84
For Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.
Appendix A – Current Settings
A.1. Optimum Current Settings for Common Eluents; Dionex AERS 500 (4 and 2 mm)
and Dionex AERS 500e (4 and 2 mm)
The Dionex Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor (Dionex AERS 500 and Dionex
ERS 500e) uses water as the regenerant and has the ability to provide continuous suppression.
Table 13 and Table 17 list the eluent concentrations and flow rates of commonly used mobile
phases used in anion separations and the optimum / recommended current level to suppress the
eluent. The operation of the Dionex AERS 500 and Dionex ERS 500e requires a constant flow
of water over the electrodes in a direction that is countercurrent to the flow of the eluent.
In the AutoSuppression Recycle Mode, the eluent leaving the conductivity cell is recycled
through the regenerant chambers as the water supply. This eliminates the need for an external
regenerant water supply and delivery system. When the Dionex AERS 500 is operating in this
mode, the amount of water flowing through the regenerant chambers is limited to the eluent
flow rate. The AutoSuppression Recycle Mode cannot be used with eluents containing any
organic solvents.
The AutoSuppression External Water Mode requires an external source of deionized water for
the regenerant chambers. When the Dionex AERS 500e is operating in this mode, the amount of
water flowing through the regenerant chambers is independent of the eluent flow rate. Because
of this, higher regenerant flow rates are achievable, see Table 15. The AutoSuppression External
Water Mode is the mode used if organic solvents (up to 40%) are present in the eluent. It
eliminates the potential for buildup of contaminating ions resulting from the oxidation of