You can record Fade-Scenes with Up and Down fade time so that in Auto Fade mode, each new Fade-Scene loads and executes at its
own pre-recorded fade times. Auto fade playback occurs when the Scene Fade Master is set to Auto— the bottom of the scale.
Every press of the Record Key records the Channel levels and the current setting of the Scene Fade timer as both Up and Down fade
times. When Manual scenes on the bottom preset are changed to Fade-Scenes, and the Scene Fade time set to Auto Fade, raising the
Fade-Scene Submaster will load the recorded Up and Down fade times and initiate a new cross-fade.
1 Set up a scene on the Channel Faders (or using the Channel Edit Page keys and the Up/Down keys), and set a fade time
on the Scene Fade master. Use the time displayed on the LCD screen for accuracy.
2 Press [RECORD] to record both the levels and the fade time setting as Up and Down fade times.
3 Hold [RECORD] and press a Submaster Flash key to assign the scene to a Submaster on the bottom row of faders.
> Repeat the first three steps for a number of scenes in order on the page under different Submasters.
4 Hold [RECORD] and [MAN<<>>FADE], then press the Flash keys of the Submasters you have recorded.
After a short Mimic flash, the Submaster LEDs change from Green to Yellow—the Manual Scenes have now been changed to Fade-
Scenes and are now affected by the setting of the Scene Fade master.
You can play back a number of Fade-Scenes (recorded as above) using their recorded times as follows:
1 Set the Scene Fade timer at Auto.
2 Set the first Submaster to Full: the Scene Fade LED starts flashing to show a fade is in progress.
3 When the first fade is complete, raise the next Submaster to Full and take out the previous Submaster.
Repeating this operation gives a series of dipless cross-fade between scenes, each new scene introducing its own pre-recorded fade
time. Auto time fading works on a latest takes precedence basis, that is all levels fade at the latest fade time.
Note that if the Speed Master is up, an Auto time fade is performed regardless of the setting of the Scene Fade master.
You can change both the Up and Down fade times, or set different Up and Down times on any Fade-Scene as follows:
1 Set the Scene Fade master to the new fade time. Use the time displayed on the LCD screen for accuracy.
2 Hold [RECORD] and [REC FADE] (the Hold key), then press the selected Submaster Flash key on the bottom preset.
3 For different Up or Down times, .press [REC][REC FADE] then [UP] or [DN, ] and then the Flash key
A short Mimic flash shows the time/s have been recorded. When the Fade-Scene is next changed, it will fade at the new time/s.