2.2.4 Overview of Menu Options
option allows the operator to select a product from a list of previously calibrated
products. When a new product is chosen, all operating parameters are automatically loaded so
that the E-Scan can immediately be ready to measure the “new” product selected. This menu
option also allows the operator to enter actual product names which are attached to associated
product numbers. In addition, this option enables the operator to create new products by storing
product information into unused product numbers.
option allows the operator to enter calibration set points. This consists of calibration
limits, measurement, temperature compensation, and analog zero adjustment. Since a complete
calibration is performed in advance by EMC, it would be a rare condition for the operator to
access calibration measurement and temperature compensation. However, system limits may be
changed more frequently if the operator chooses to change the alarm limits, analog output limits,
alarm delays, purge cycle information, or other limits. An analog zero adjustment is provided to
“zero in” the instrument to match lab samples or reach a target measurement if needed.
option allows the operator to configure the E-Scan to perform various functions. Such
configurations would include: purge/hold interface, smart cleaning, measurement and
temperature alarms, 232 output and associated baud rates, measurement title, and displayed
reading decimal format. Other configuration options are selected in advance by EMC and would
not normally be changed by the operator. Thus, access to other system configurations is gained
only by entering a correct password.
option allows the operator to print all system calibration and configuration settings as
well as current measurement and temperature readings with a time and date stamp.
option provides the operator with data that can be used to test and troubleshoot system
problems. The operator can display all voltages from the sensing head, test relays on the
interface board, output min., mid., and max. analog data to test and calibrate chart recorder
output, and enter system time and date in cases of battery failure.
Same as “ANLG. 0” in calibration menu
option allows the operator to add an adjustment to the current reading in order to reach
a target value.
option allows the operator to initiate a purge from normal mode in addition to the
automatic purge cycle timing setup in calibration limits. The purge function cleans the sensing
head prism and if configured for smart cleaning will automatically start another purge cycle if
the previous purge was unsuccessful. Purge can be aborted using the Front Panel
option allows the operator to initiate a hold condition from normal mode, which will
freeze system information. This freezes both displayed readings as well as analog output. Hold
can be aborted using the Front Panel