2.1.3 Measurement Signal Graphing for the MPR E-Scan
Graph Mode Screen
The MPR E-Scan offers a
graphical mode display, which
can be accessed from the normal
mode of operation via the PgDn
button on the front panel switch
matrix. PgUp will then return to
the normal mode display. The
graphical mode display comes
equipped with all the essential
current product, error status, and
addition to the graph span and
The graph span limits are derived
from the analog low and high
limits in calibration and are drawn on the display at the top and bottom of the graph area as
dotted lines.
The graph time can range from 5 minutes to 9999 minutes and can be accessed via the
button on the front panel switch matrix.
The calibration alarm limits are also displayed graphically within the graph area and are drawn
as red dashed lines to differentiate them from the graph span limits. The alarm limit lines are
drawn 20 pixels apart horizontally, which gives the added feature of breaking the graph time into
20 equal parts. Thus, if the graph time were 20 hours, each alarm limit segment would represent
1 hour.
Finally, the measurement signal itself is drawn in the graph area and can be recognized as a
single continuous stream of information that is 2 pixels thick. The measurement graph offers a
high-quality display with 574 pixels of horizontal and 295 pixels of vertical resolution.