IOM CRUZcontrol®
P/N: 90480009
Revision Date: 03/18/2019
Example 8:
Product Gapping
The following describes a technique, using CRUZcontrol, which creates a gap in a train of moving
product. In the situation described, the gap is used to allow for the raising of a product stop. This would
apply primarily to the progressive mode of accumulation control, which accumulates and discharges from
accumulation with only very minimal gaps between products.
The following illustrates an NBA®23 accumulation lane used to release product to a merge conveyor. A
Product Stop is located at the end of the accumulation lane, controlled by the solenoid valve as shown.
The last two accumulation zones are also provided with brakes, as shown. These brakes are provided
with CRUZ™ Brake Logic Assemblies. Also shown just prior to the Product Stop is a Product Present
Module #1
Module #2
Product Present
Product Stop
Solenoid Valve
The Product Present Photosensor is connected to a PLC (programmable logic controller). The
Photosensor is used to sense if product is accumulated behind the Product Stop, ready to be released.
The Photosensor is also used to sense a gap in the flow of product adequate enough to raise the Product
Stop after releasing product from the lane.
The Product Stop is solenoid activated, and controlled by the PLC. The stop is lowered by energizing
the solenoid.
Function Module #1 (a Release Function Module) is configured and wired for Single Release operation.
(Refer to the CRUZcontrol Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual for additional Function
Module information). The signal provided to the Product Stop solenoid is also connected to Function
Module #1.
When the Product Stop is raised (solenoid and Function Module not energized), product blocking the
Photosensor of the CRUZcontrol Logic Assembly will result in the conveyor zone going into accumulation.
Since the Photosensor of the Brake Logic Assembly is also blocked at the same time, the brake will be