Public Version
SDMA Basic Programming Model
In the RAM to RAM copy example, to copy in loop it's possible to link channel 10 on itself. The following
line can be added in the channel configuration :
/* g) Set link for loop */ DMA4_CLINK_CTRL_CH10 = 0x0000800A;
11.5.7 90° Clockwise Image Rotation
The 90° clockwise image rotation example described in
, Addressing Modes, can be
programmed as follows:
1. Configure the transfer parameters in the logical DMA channel registers:
Transfer ES = 32-bit (32 bpp), DMA register bits
Read and write port access types = maximum burst size supported by memory device, DMA
register bits
[8:7] and
Source and destination endianism, DMA register bits
[21] and
Write mode = posted with last element nonposted, DMA register bits
Source and destination packed = Yes (although destination writes will not benefit because
EI>1), DMA register bits
[6] and
: EN = 240
: FN per transfer block = 160
: Source start address = 0x100000
: destination start address = 0x20013E
Read and write port addressing modes = double-index addressing mode for both or
post-increment addressing on source and double-index addressing on destination, DMA
register bits
[13:12] and
Low or high priority, DMA register bit
DMA request number = 0 (for software-triggered transfer), DMA register bits
DMA4_CSEi: Source EI = 1
DMA4_CSFi: Source frame index = 1
DMA4_CDEi: destination EI = 637
DMA4_CDFi: destination frame index = –152967
2. Start the transfer via the enable bit in the channel
Below are the parameters to perform this rotation from 0x80C00000 RAM address to 0x80F00000, with
the same code as in
/* Init. parameters */ DMA4->DataType = 0x2; // DMA4_CSDPi[1:0] DMA4->ReadPortAccessType = 0x3;
// DMA4_CSDPi[8:7] DMA4->WritePortAccessType = 0x3; // DMA4_CSDPi[15:14] DMA4->SourceEndiansim =
0; // DMA4_CSDPi[21] DMA4->DestinationEndianism = 0; // DMA4_CSDPi[19] DMA4->WriteMode = 0x2; //
DMA4_CSDPi[17:16] DMA4->SourcePacked = 0x1; // DMA4_CSDPi[6] DMA4->DestinationPacked = 0x1; //
DMA4_CSDPi[13] DMA4->NumberOfElementPerFrame = 240; // DMA4_CENi DMA4-
>NumberOfFramePerTransferBlock = 160; // DMA4_CFNi DMA4->SourceStartAddress = 0x80C00000; //
DMA4_CSSAi DMA4->DestinationStartAddress = 0x80F00000; // DMA4_CDSAi DMA4->SourceElementIndex =
1; // DMA4_CSEi DMA4->SourceFrameIndex = 1; // DMA4_CSFi DMA4->DestinationElementIndex = 637; //
DMA4_CDEi DMA4->DestinationFrameIndex = -152967; // DMA4_CDFi DMA4->ReadPortAccessMode = 0x3; //
DMA4_CCRi[13:12] DMA4->WritePortAccessMode = 0x3; // DMA4_CCRi[15:14] DMA4->ReadPriority = 0; //
DMA4_CCRi[6] DMA4->WritePriority = 0; // DMA4_CCRi[23] DMA4->ReadRequestNumber = 0; //
DMA4_CCRi[4:0] DMA4->WriteRequestNumber = 0; // DMA4_CCRi[20:19]
11.5.8 Graphic Operations
Transparent copy:
1. Set the
[17] Transparent_Copy_Enable bit field to 1.
2. Set the
[16] Constant_Fill_Enable bit field to 0.
3. Set the value of key the color in the
[15:0] color_key bit field.
To perform this graphic operation, the following lines can be added to the example of
DMA4_CCR_CH10 &= ~(0x1 << 16); DMA4_CCR_CH10 |= 0x1 << 17; DMA4_COLOR_CH10 = 0x00000003;
Solid Color fill:
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated