The pseudocode for getting started with a power-supply control application is as follows:
//Write DAC code for nominal output (repeat for all DAC channels)
//For a 1.8-V output range, the 10-bit hex code for 0.6 V is 0x155. With 16-bit left alignment,
this becomes 0x5540
WRITE DAC_0_DATA(0x1C), 0x55, 0x40
//Power-up voltage output on both the channels, enables internal reference
WRITE COMMON-CONFIG(0x1F), 0x12, 0x01
//Set channel 0 gain setting to 1.5x internal reference (1.8 V)
WRITE DAC-0-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x15), 0x08, 0x00
//Set channel 1 gain setting to 1.5x internal reference (1.8 V)
WRITE DAC-1-VOUT-CMP-CONFIG(0x3), 0x08, 0x00
//Configure GPI for Margin-High, Low trigger for all channels
WRITE GPIO-CONFIG(0x24), 0x01, 0x35
//Set slew rate and code step (repeat for all channels)
//CODE_STEP: 2 LSB, SLEW_RATE: 60.72 µs/step
WRITE DAC-0-FUNC-CONFIG(0x18), 0x00, 0x17
//Write DAC margin high code (repeat for all channels)
//For a 1.8-V output range, the 10-bit hex code for 1.164 V is 0x296. With 16-bit left alignment,
this becomes 0xA540
WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-HIGH(0x13), 0xA5, 0x40
//Write DAC margin low code (repeat for all channels)
//For a 1.8-V output range, the 10-bit hex code for 36 mV is 0x14. With 16-bit left alignment, this
becomes 0x0500
WRITE DAC-0-MARGIN-LOW(0x14), 0x05, 0x00
//Save settings to NVM
WRITE COMMON-TRIGGER(0x20), 0x00, 0x02
8.2.3 Application Curves
Figure 8-2. Power-Supply Margin High
Figure 8-3. Power-Supply Margin Low
SLASF47 – MAY 2022
Copyright © 2022 Texas Instruments Incorporated
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