Version: Leo 18 GT_GB_02-2008
periodic movements (especially in case of the operation of the optional electric
motor ).
Levelling of the vertical arm and the cage shall be executed before any
movements of the bottom arm (controlled by the joystick).
The machine operating can be cancelled any time by the EMERGENCY-STOP
switch, which is placed on the control panel.
The turning round of the boom is limited by a mechanical rebound stop (355º).
The superstructure is only able to reach the maximal working
height / platform height / if the hydraulic supports are completely
stabilized and the boom is maximum extended.
During the first movements move the upper telescope slightly
outwards and move the upper arm slightly upwards
from the
travelling position to avoid any damage of the machine.
reverse movements during setting the transport position back).
Cage movements within the working range are controlled by the joy-
stick. Speed of the movements is proportional to the amount of the joy-
stick movements.
4.4.6 Emergency control
The usage of the emergency control:
This control method must only be used if the person, who is in the cage, is
not able to direct the machine.
Upper arm, upper telescope, bottom telescope, basket levelling, rotating:
Proportional valves (D) should be pushed in totally, then should be locked
after turning right.
Bullet valve (A), located besides the hand pump, should be locked
(horisontal position).
Required arm function should be selected based on the emergency
control drawing, then the selected valve should be pushed manually
meantime the hand pump should be operated.
Poportional valve should be unlocked after finishing the emergency
control operation.
Bottom arm, vertical arm:
Proportional valves (D) should be pushed in totally, then should be locked
after turning right.
Bullet valve (A), located besides the hand pump, should be opened
(vertical position).
Valve (C), located behing the control panel, should be pushed in and
turned around.
Pin (B), located on the valve panel, should be locked.
Required direction of movement shall be controlled by the valves.