Instruction Manual for TESA TWIN-SURF
Go to the item
with button
and confirm with button
The following screen appear.
The value currently in use is indicated by the indicator next to the corresponding text.
To change the value, go to the desired item with button
and confirm by pressing
to go back to
Set measure
6.9 Positioning
This menu option, which allows you to check the correct probe position against the surface to
be explored, is very useful in the following two cases:
When measuring grooves or bores.
Prevent the probe from moving right up to the limit of the measuring area as the probe
body is contacting the surface or ensures that the probe is still contacting the surface,
otherwise the measurement will be interrupted.
When measuring critical surface.
Serves for positioning the probe correctly on concave or convex surfaces.
Enter the Position menu.
The following screen appear:
By manually moving the tip the indicated position should move accordingly.
Once correct operation has been verified, press
to go back to the main menu.