It is possible to connect the wood-burning stove to chimneys that are also used for other purpo-
ses. However, the specified conditions must be assessed by the fitter and/or chimney sweep.
2.5. Chimney sweep
When your new wood-burning stove has been installed please notify your local chimney sweep.
The chimney sweep must check the installation before use as well as regular future cleaning.
2.6. Regulation - and smoke dampers mounted on the chimney
If thechimney is provided with at regulation-/smoke dampers it should only be opened up to 80%
of the aperture area.
2.7. National og European norms
The regulations in force at the time in question, including those that refer to national and
European standards, must be respected when installing the wood-burning stove. Contact your lo-
cal dealer for further advice and guidance in connection with mounting. Notify the chimney sweep
before you use your wood-burning stove.
2.8. Airflow requirements for the wood burning stove.
The wood-burning stove require air for it to function safely and environmentally friendly. If the
room/house where the stove is installed is to closed, there will not be sufficient air in the house
and thereby in valve of the stove. If there is not adequate air the stove will soot the window and
the chimney, irritate the environment and neighbours and in worst case the fire will die off. For
these reasons always make sure that there is enough air in the room. Please note that if a venti-
lator is installed in the house an underpressure can be created (similar to an extractor fan) which
in worst case can result in reverse smoke flow thereby out though the valve of the stove and into
to lounge/room. This can be dangerous (smoke poisoning) and at the least soot the house. Read
also section 3.4.
3.0. Combustion instruction
3.1. Intermittent combustion
Your new wood-burning stove has been approved for intermittent burning and not for continuous
burning. This means that the fire burns correctly with a small amount of wood with a burning
time of approx. one hour between loading.
3.2. Lighting the first time
The first time the stove is lit it must be done gently. All materials will for the first time become
very hot. The varnish (Senotherm) that the stove has been painted with will harden during hea-
ting. Do not touch the varnish when it is warm and soft. This may cause unpleasant odour. It is
therefore recommended to ensure good ventilation the first few times you light up.
3.3. The grate at the bottom of the burning chamber
The grate which lies at the bottom of the burning chamber ensures a good clean combustion as
air can pass through. The ashes fall through the grate into the ash drawer. When emptying the
ash drawer please remove the grate in order to clean the remaining ash into the ash drawer be-
fore emptying.
3.4. Combustion air
Adequate combustion air is a precondition for good and clean combustion.
The air is normally taken from the room in which the stove is mounted. However, in some cir-
cumstances it may be necessary for provide extra air in the room where the stove is placed. This
can for example be done by mounting an air valve in the room’s outer wall. Air valves that supply
necessary combustion air must be kept free from blockage.
An exhaust fan in the same room or close to the stove can also have a negative effect on the
combustion. At worst it can lead to exhaust gases in the room even with the stove door closed.
Therefore, in the above case, the wood-burning stove and exhaust fan must never be in use at
the same time. TT80 serie are delivered with a direct air connection. To secure that the combu-
stion air is not taken from the room one can install an air hose Ø96mm on the direct air connec-
tion. This air hose can be led through an outside wall so that the combustion air is taken from the
outside. Ask your dealer for further information.
3.5. Heating materials for the wood-burning stove
Only use dry and clean wood in the wood-burning stove. The water content should be between 15
and 20%. The maximum log size used is 30 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter.
The burning of synthetic materials and impregnated materials is not allowed as it is damaging to
the environment. Furthermore, the stove and chimney will also become damaged with the use of
such materials. There is furthermore a danger of emission of unhealthy substances. The wood-
burning stove is not meant to ”burn overnight”. Never close off the air flow completely, instead let
the fire dies out and light it again when needed.
We warn against closing off the air flow completely. The wood-burning stove can only burn sensi