May 2015
102 GTH 4016 R - GTH 4018 R - GTH-5021 R Part No.
Second Edition - First Printing
GTH-5021 R
Height, stowed
2.99 m
Length, stowed, at fork-holder plate
7.17 m
Width, standard tires
2.42 m
3.00 m
Ground clearance, center
0.36 m
17,180 kg
Working fork height,
20.86 m
Horizontal reach maximum
18.24 m
Reach at maximum height
3.91 m
Lift capacity, maximum height
outriggers up
outriggers down
outriggers down & not aligned
2,000 kg
3,000 kg
250 kg
Lift capacity, maximum reach
outriggers up
outriggers down
outriggers down & not aligned
0 kg
475 kg
0 kg
Maximum lift capacity
5,000 kg
Drive speed, maximum,
30 km/h
Chassis Levelling (if equipped)
+/- 6°
Turning radius, outside,
2 wheel steer
7.35 m
Turning radius, outside,
4 wheel steer
4.22 m
Fuel tank capacity
205 L
Maximum grade
38 %
Horn sound level,
manufacturer’s rating
110 dB
Backup alarm sound level,
manufacturer’s rating
95 dB
Mean assessed vibration level
transmitted to body
0.32 m/s
Sound pressure level at the operator
position (
in accordance with EN12053)
(only 3B Machine)
74 dB
Guaranteed sound power level LwA
in accordance with the Directive 2000/14/CE)
(only 3B Machine)
102 dB
Floor loading information
Tire load, maximum
10,500 kg
Occupied floor pressure
20.32 kPa