Strana 9
Page 9
Razlozi nefunkcionalnosti mogu biti slijedeći (po vjerojatnosti
- baterije su prazne. Treba ostaviti svjetiljku na mrežnom napajanju.
Nakon nekog vremena signalizacija će sama preći u zeleni LED
trepteće svjetlo i nužna rasvjeta će postati funkcionalna,
- centralna blokadna sklopka nije adekvatno zategnuta – svjetiljka
je u beznaponskom stanju. Treba adekvatno zategnuti centralnu
blokadnu sklopku i signalizacija će sama preći u zeleni LED
trepteće svjetlo i nužna rasvjeta će postati funkcionalna,
- električki priključak je izveden pogrešno. Priključak treba izvršiti
prema shemi spajanja,
- baterije su stare, trajno se pune nazivnom strujom punjena i
pregrijavaju se. Potrebno je zamijeniti baterijski modul BATEx
01/6 ili BATEx 01/10,
- baterije su stare i ne mogu dosegnuti potreban napon punjenja i
kapacitet. Potrebno je zamijeniti baterijski modul BATEx 01/6 ili
BATEx 01/10,
- osigurač u krugu baterije 16 AT je neispravan. Potrebno je
zamijeniti baterijski modul BATEx 01/6 ili BATEx 01/10,
- temperatura okoline je izvan danih granica.
Samonadzor ne uključuje kontrolu ispravnosti LED-a.
Opis oznake na svjetiljci
sukladno EN 60598-2-22:2014:
X - sigurnosna svjetiljka s baterijama ugrađenim u svjetiljku,
1 - sigurnosna svjetiljka u trajnom spoju,
A - sigurnosna svjetiljka sa samonadzorom i signalizacijom stanja,
B - sigurnosna svjetiljka s mogućnosti rada na mreži i automatskog
uključenja nakon povrata napajanja,
C - sigurnosna svjetiljka s RESET funkcijom,
D - sigurnosna svjetiljka za prostore s posebnim opasnostima,
180 - sigurnosna svjetiljka s autonomijom max. 3h.
Svjetiljka ima mogućnost autonomije od 1,5 i 3 sata. Za autonomiju
od 3 sata potrebno je kratko spojiti stezaljke Mode1 i Mode 2. Za
autonomiju od 1,5 sata, stezaljke Mode1 i Mode2 su u praznom
hodu (nespojene).
Reasons for this may include some of the following (the probability
of events):
- batteries are empty. The lamp should be left on the main power
supply. After a while the signalization will by itself transfer into
green LED, blinking lights and emergency lighting will become
- central interlocking switch is not adequately tightened – light
fitting is in non load condition. It should adequately tightened
central interlocking switch and blinking lights and emergency
lighting becomes functional,
- connection is made incorrectly. Connection should be made
according to the connection scheme
- batteries are old, permanently charged with rated current and are
overheating. It is necessary to replace the battery module BATEx
01/6 or BATEx 01/10,
- batteries are old and can't reach the required charging voltage and
capacity. It is necessary to replace the battery module BATEx 01/6
or BATEx 01/10,
- the fuse in the battery circuit 16AT is faulty. Should be replace the
battery module BATEx 01/6 or BATEx 01/10,
- ambient temperature is outside specification limits.
Self-monitoring does not include a control of the LEDs validity.
Description of tag on the light fitting
according to EN 60598-2-22:2014:
X - emergency light fitting with built-in batteries
1 - emergency light fitting in a permanent connection
A - emergency light fitting with self-monitoring and status
signalling function
B - Emergency light fitting with main power supply option and
automatically turn ON after power return option
C - emergency light fitting with RESET function
D - emergency light fitting for use in areas with special hazards
180 - emergency light fitting with autonomy of max. 3h.
Light fitting has a possibility of autonomy of 1,5 and 3 hours. For the
autonomy of 3 hours is necessary to short circuit the terminals Mode 1
and Mode 2. The autonomy of 1,5 hours, terminals of Mode1 and
Mode2 are not connected
PSF 218E
PSF 236E
1,5 h
60% (800lm)
60% (2000lm)
3 h
40% (550lm)
30% (1000lm)
X 1 ABCD 180
X 1 ABCD 180
L1 [mm]
L2 [mm]
PSF 218
PSF 218E
PSF 236
PSF 236E
PSF 258