Strana 6
Page 6
Zakretanjem centralne blokadne sklopke,
svjetiljka je u beznaponskom stanju
Glavne priključne stezaljke: L, N
U otvorenom položaju, mehanička blokada
onemogućava pristup blokadnoj sklopki
Zamjena fluorescentnih cijevi
(“dvokontaktno” grlo G13)
Postaviti oba kraja fluorescentne cijevi u utore
grla, nakon toga izvršiti rotaciju fluo cijevi u
lijevu ili desnu stranu.
Odsijač s G13 grlima i T8 fluorescentnim
cijevima je pomoću nosača odsijača i
panta odsijača pričvršćen na temeljnu
ploču na 4 ili 6 različitih mjesta (2 ili 3na
svakoj strani).
Pristup stezaljkama obavlja se pomoću odvijača
na način da je potrebno odvojiti pante odsijača
od nosača odsijača na istoj strani laganim
pritiskom odvijača prema dolje.
Rotiranjem sklopa odsijača dobiva se pristup
komponentama pričvršćeni na temeljnu ploču.
Napomena: moguće je odvojiti pante odsijača
od nosača odsijača i na drugoj strani i dobiti
pristup stezaljkama rotiranjem sklopa odsijača
u drugu stranu.
Zatvaranje se obavlja suprotnim redoslijedom
radnji s tim da se pant odsijača vraća u nosač
odsijača samo laganim pritiskom ruke.
Kod puštanja u pogon kontrolna izolacijska mjerenja treba vršiti s
ispitnim naponom max. 500 V DC i to između:
neutralnog vodiča i zemlje
faznog vodiča L1 i zemlje
faznog vodiča Lsw i zemlje
Ispitivanje između faznog i neutralnog vodiča nije dopušteno i može
voditi uništenju proizvoda.
By turning the central lock switch, the fluorescent
light fitting is in no-load state
The main connections terminals: L, N
In the open position, the mechanical lock
prevents access to the interlocking switches
Replacing of the fluorescent tubes ("two
contacts" lamp holder G13)
Set both ends of the fluorescent tube in the lamp
holder slots, then perform the rotation of the
fluorescent tubes in the left or right side.
Internal reflector, with G13 lamp holders
and T8 fluorescent tubes, is with reflector
hinges and reflector lends carriers attached
to the base plate at four or six different sites
(two or three on each side).
Access to terminals is done with a screwdriver in a
manner that is necessary to separate the hinges
bracket of the reflector lends on the same side by
applying a moderate force with a screwdriver
toward the downward direction
Gaining access to the terminals is achieved by
rotating assembly of the reflector.
Note: it is possible to separate the hinges reflector
lends from the bracket and gain access to the other
side of the terminals by rotating assembly of the
reflector lends to the other side
Closing is done in reverse order of actions by
bringing hinge reflector lends back to mount of the
reflector lends only by light hand pressure.
With the commissioning the control measurements of the isolation
should be performed with the test voltage max. 500 V DC between:
Neutral and earth conductor
Phase L1 and earth conductor
Phase Lsw and earth conductor
Testing between the phase and neutral conductor is not allowed and
will get the wrong value and can lead to destruction of the product.