Current Signal Strength (S3)
Squelch Status (S4)
Squelch Status (S4)
(Set command)
(Not applicable)
(Get command)
Response: S3NNN<cr>
NNN= Current measurement of signal strength. Valid ranges 0-127
This command will report the current signal strength value that is updated in the firmware. This is the value
that is compared to the squelch level set in the S1 command. If this value goes below the squelch level, the
audio will be muted.
(Set command)
(Get command)
Response: T1TTTTTTTT<cr>
TTTTTTTT= represents the time in ASCII/decimal format. Value = number of
milliseconds. Valid ranges are 0-99999999.
The dwell time feature sets the duration of time the receiver will remain on an active channel.
An infinite dwell time can also be selected. Setting the Dwell Time to 0 activates the
INFINATE DWELL which forces the radio to remain on the frequency or memory channel as
long as it is active (SQUELCH open).
(Set Command)
(Not applicable)
(Get command) ?S4<cr>
Definitions: TBD
Dwell Timer (T1)