GSM Gateway Interface DIAL-112
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committed, it leaves open the system to use the other module (and then the other SIM, which
could be another GSM operator)
LCR prefixes [1..4]:
you can enter up to 4 codes that allow the module to be chosen for
outgoing calls. For example, if we insert 33 on the first module and 34 on the second, the first
will be used for outgoing calls to numbers starting with ”33” while the second will be used for
outgoing calls to numbers starting with “34”. If the compound is not part of prefixes, DIAL-112
indiscriminately use the first module available
8.3. Prefix and numbers
Selecting "N" option ("Prefix and numbers”), will be presented the form that allows you to choose
which table to configure:
The table can be completed for each number or prefix introducing its flags to allow or block
incoming or outgoing calls. The table contains up to 150 numbers.
Number: indicates the number on wich must be applied the choices made on the configuration
Descr.: text field for describing the number or area code introduced in the table.
Input Allow: enables incoming calls from that number or prefix.
Input Deny: rejects incoming calls from that number or prefix.
Output Allow: enables outgoing calls to that number or prefix.
Output Deny: deny outgoing calls to that number or prefix.
Show CLI: when this particular number or prefix is called, will be showed the CLI of the SIM
inserted in the calling GSM module.
DISA: if you disable the DISA service in the general parameters, this feature enables the same
service made available only for specific area codes or numbers listed in the table.
CB: enable CallBack service for this number.If the caller hangs up before the 3st ring tone, the
gateway calls back him immediately (after the 3st ring, the call is processed like a normal call).
Ext: disabling the DISA service, in this field it is possibile to specify an extension number to
which the caller will be transferred directly from DIAL-112.
After the phase of numbers and parameters input, the order of rows inserted in table is
automatically redefined based on the type of parameters enabled to show the parameters in a
simpler way for the operator. On top right of the table, appears from time to time a box that
indicates the number of entry that you are editing.