Figure 35 Geofence configuration
AutoGeofencing settings
the last known position after movement = off. If your car’s being
taken away
you can be notified. The shape and size of the geofence zones are
parameters. It is possibility to state whether entering in or out of the geofence triggers an
asynchronous message
AutoGeofencing option can be configured by following parameters visible in figure 33
Enable or Disable AutoGeofence functionality.
Activation TMO
Time period before Geofence is activated after vehicle stops.
Deactivate By:
If ignition (configured Ignition Source) becomes high it will disable
AutoGeofenze Zone.
if iButton is attached it will disable AutoGeofence Zone.
Edit iButton List
if list is not empty, attached iButton is tested against an iButton list, if
match is found AutoGeofence zone is disabled.
Priority of generated event, which will be applied to saved record.
Enter Event
Event generation on Geofence entrance.
Exit Event
Event generation on Geofence exit.
On Both
Event generation on Geofence entrance Or exit
Note that AutoGeofencing does not require entering coordinates, instead it requires GPS
visibility. If vehicle stopped and activation timeout has passed, an AutoGeofence will be created
around vehicle
s last position with set Radius value. AutoGeofence event generation works the
same as Geofencing mentioned above.