Gate Control 20 Quick guide
Adding 2 user phone numbers, changing the activation time of output NO1 to
3 seconds, and setting output NO2 to bistable operating mode:
Response of the device to SMS commands
After receiving commands, the device will send response messages as follows:
Device response
Wrong password
The provided password is invalid
Password changed
The password has been changed successfully
3 user(s) added
3 phone numbers added successfully
User removed
Phone number deleted successfully
User not found to delete The phone number you want to delete was not found
Rel1 mode set OK
Output NO1 operating mode changed
Invalid Rel1 time
The activation time specified for output NO1 is
Rel1 time OK
Output NO1 activation time has been set
Input type OK
Input type changed successfully
Intype error
Input type error, invalid parameter
Input sens. OK
Input sensitivity changed successfully
Invalid input sens.
Input sensitivity error, invalid value
Report nr. OK
The phone number for SMS sending/forwarding
changed successfully
SMS limit OK
SMS limitation value changed successfully
SMS limit=50!
Invalid SMS limitation value, therefore set to 50
No SMS limit
SMS limitation disabled
CMD error
Command typing error
Empty phonebook
No users/phone numbers found