Balanced/Unbalanced Switch (SW2)
This switch is set at the factory to the balanced (BAL) position for use with Audio-
com intercom channels. Set the switch to the unbalanced (UNBAL) position for use
with a Clear-Com intercom system.
Direct Program Listen Enable / Disable Jumpers
By default, each US2000A program input can be heard by all intercom stations that
are listening on the corresponding intercom channel. This includes the US2000A.
(Program input routing to the intercom channels can be turned on or off via the
US2000A front panel programming. See "Turning the Program Inputs On and Off",
.) Additionally, all program signals can be routed directly to the US2000A
speaker or headset. This lets the US2000A operator hear the program inputs even if
they are not being routed to the intercom channels. To disable direct program listen-
ing in the speaker or headset for one or more program inputs, reset the appropriate
jumper as shown in Table
1 0
Settings for Jumpers
Program 1 direct to Headset or Speaker
Pins 2&3 Shorted: Enable
Pins 1&2 Shorted: Disable
Program 2 direct to Headset or Speaker
Table 2. Direct Program Listen Enable / Disable Jumpers