User manual
This version of the 8PSK-QAM permits
configuration and control from a PC, both
locally and via remote control.
a.- Local control
The user must have the "Headend
Management" program version 2.12 or
upper and a special cable (provided with
this program) that connects a PC serial port
to the "PRGM" connector of the 8PSK-
Using the program, the user can configure
and read all of the parameters, as well as
check that the device is working properly.
b.- Remote control
As well as the program previously
mentioned, it is necessary to have a
Headend Control module (ref. 5051 or 5052)
and the corresponding modem connected
to the telephone line. Once communication
has been established with the headend
control, you will be able to access all the
controllable devices that have been installed
in the headend.
In this case, it is essential that every element
is programmed using a different device
address (address RS485) between 1 and