Example 4: Generate a Pulse Waveform
Generate a pulse waveform with 5kHz frequency, 5V high level, -1V low level,
40μs pulse width, 10 ns rising edge, 30 ns falling edge and 20 ns delay.
Set the Frequency.
1. Press Waveforms → Pulse → Frequency/Period and choose Frequency,
which will display in blue color.
2. Input ‘5’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘kHz’. The frequency is
set to 5 kHz.
Set the HighLevel.
1. Press Amplitude/HighLevel and choose the HighLevel which will display
in blue color.
2. Input ‘5‘ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘V‘. The high level is set
to 5V.
Set the LowLevel.
1. Press Offset/LowLevel and choose the LowLevel which will display in
blue color.
2. Input ‘-1’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘V’. The low level is set to
Set the PulWidth.
1. Press PulWidth/DutyCycle and choose PulWidth which will display in blue
2. Input ‘40’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘μs’. The pulse width is
set to 40μs.
Set the Rise Edge.
1. Press Rise/Fall and choose Rise which will display in a blue color.
2. Input ‘10’ from the keyboard and choose the unit ‘ns’. The rising edge is