Application Note
FSA-028 (April 2011)
FSA-028 (April 2011)
page 7 of 22
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
TRDI WorkHorse ADCP Battery Life:
The WorkHorse will be waking up earlier than PLANADCP is calculating for pow-
er. You must calculate this extra power consumption using the following formula:
WHADCP/CTD Interface Power Use = 0.88W-s/3600 * (24/ensemble interval (hours)) *
Duration (days) = Watt Hours of usage
CTD Output Data Format:
This Application Note has setup the TRDI CiTaDeL CTD to output a specific data
format. While it is possible to use different data formats we provide you the doc-
umentation for the data format that we are recommending.
The WH ADCP will capture the data exactly as it is output from the Citadel CTD
into a 256byte data buffer inside the WH PD0 string. The WH ADCP PD0 data ID
is 0800h and the data will follow this data ID.
Date, Time, Conductivity, Temperature, Pressure, Salinity, Speed of Sound <cr>
000801-11-2011,12:00:02,CC.CCCC,TT.TTTT,PPPP.PP,SS.SSSS,VVVV.VVVV <cr>
<cr> = carriage return
Each character following data ID above appears exactly as you see in the PDO data
Deployment Sequence
Setup Sequence
a. Connect the CTD to your PC in as presented below and set it up as described in
b. Start a HyperTerminal [either BBTalk or MS Hyperterminal or CTDPro 4.28