CiTaDel / WorkHorse ADCP Interface
page 18 of 22
Teledyne RD Instruments
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Data Recovery
The TRDI CiTaDeL CTD data is part of the WorkHorse raw data. The TRDI CiTa-
DeL CTD data can be exported from the WorkHorse data using the Export menu
in WinADCP.
a. Start WinADCP and load your data file.
b. Click Export. The Export Options control box will display.
c. Click on the Series/Ancillary tab.
d. Select the File Type TXT button.
e. Select what bins, ensembles, and data types to export.
f. Check the MicroCAT box.
g. Click OK.
Figure 3.
WinADCP Export Options
You must use WinADCP version 1.11 to export TRDI CiTaDeL CTD data.