Analogue / IP electronics add-on handset
2.1. Handset module 20-/21-1104
Please note that electronics installations shall
be carried out with the device unplugged.
Please proceed as follows to install your
electronics add-on AIF handset: First remove
the cover of the electronics box. Disable the
device's power supply (unplug the power supply
unit) and disconnect the telephone line.
AIF handset
Main board with
Cut the rubber
Connect the electronics add-on AIF handset
to the main board's connector plug.
Fix the electronics add-on AIF handset on the
stud bolts. To do so, please use the M3x5 mm
oval-head Philips screws provided in the box.
Cut the rubber gasket you find in the top
part of the device. Reversely insert the function
module into the front frame (see manual for the
basic electronics 20-0001 or 20-0043 respec-
tively) and then mount the module housing to
the front frame. Insert the handset connection
cable (4-wire cable with 4-pole connection
socket) through the electronics box rubber
gasket into the electronics box.
Connect the handset's plug to the electron-
ics add-on AIF handset. Connect the speaker
(look for the speaker on the cover panel with
hookswitch) using the ribbon cable of the basic
electronics (blue ring). Connect the hookswitch
to the ribbon cable of the basic electronics
(yellow ring "T2").
Then connect the a / b line and
the 12-15V potential-free power supply (power
supply not absolutely necessary).
Configure the handset (See chapter “3.2.