Check the terminal has the correct port configured.
Check the terminal configuration is 115200 8N1.
Check the console is not an events process.
The local console only displays
Check the terminal has the correct port configured.
Check the terminal configuration is 115200 8N1.
You have forgotten the access
password for the router.
Ignore the configuration through the RST button (as explained in the relevant sec-
Date and time in the device are
lost when restarted.
Parameters configured through the time set command will be lost when the device
restarts. Use the NTP protocol to keep the date and time configuration.
LEDs do not light up in green.
Check the Ethernet cable, or Fiber, and the connection to the network (you may
need a crossover cable).
For further information, please see manual: “Teldat
Dm709-I LAN Interface
The S LED is red.
Check the SIM card has been inserted correctly,
Check the SIM PIN is correct,
Check the antenna is properly installed (been screwed in correctly),
Get your technical service to check the device is in the optimum position for the
For further information, please see manual: “Teldat
Dm781-I Cellular Interface
4.6 Updating the software
The Regesta Smart PRO router can be updated to new releases. Please contact your distributor for further details on
new releases.
There are various ways to update one of our routers. For further information, please see manual
Dm 748-I Software
The software required to update one of our routers is supplied in a format known as distribution. This consists of a
single file, which contains all the files needed to update your device as well as in-depth information on their content.
The Regesta Smart PRO incorporates independent modules for the Wireless WAN interface. You can pick modules
from different manufacturers or choose several modules from the same provider, depending on the technology used.
Generally, the firmware is independent from the software. There is an UPGRADE file for each Wireless WAN mod-
ule. Please ask you distributor for the correct UPGRADE file (based on the module in your device). The Cellular in-
terface manual (Dm781-I) explains how to upgrade the module.
4.6.1 Connecting to the router
There are two ways of accessing the device CLI:
• Through the CONF connector.
• Through the Telnet protocol.
Teldat S.A.
4 Connecting the router
Regesta Smart PRO