e. Adjust the Type 191 Amplitude controls so the display
is exactly 4 cm in amplitude (see Fig. 7-35A).
f. Disconnect the end of the 18-inch cable that connects
to Channel 2 INPUT connector.
g. Disconnect the signal from the Channel 1 INPUT con
nector and connect it to the Channel 2 INPUT connector.
Note the exact amount of vertical deflection.
h. Set the Type 191 Frequency Range switch to 18-42.
Check that the Frequency dial is set to 3 5 MHz.
i. Adjust the Type 191 Amplitude controls to obtain the
same vertical deflection as that noted in step 25g.
j. Disconnect the signal from the Channel 2 INPUT con
nector and reconnect it to the Channel 1 INPUT connector.
Calibration— Type 1A1
k. Reconnect the 18-inch cable to the Channel 2 INPUT
connector. Check that the signal is applied from the CH
1 SIGNAL OUT connector to Channel 2.
. CHECK— The CRT display should be 2.8 cm in ampli
tude or more. This indicates the upper bandwidth limit for
the Channel 1 Signal Out Amplifier is 35 MHz or higher.
Steps 25g through 25i in the procedure use a
technique that eliminates Channel 2 and the oscil
loscope as factors when determining the upper
bandw idth limit fo r the Signal O ut A m plifier alone.
m. Disconnect the signal from the Channel 1 INPUT con
nector and turn off the Type 191 Constant Amplitude Signal
Generator. Leave the 18-inch cable connected as is.