Calibration— Type 1A1
C h a n n e l 1
' ■
00 5 V CM
Fig M l . Location o t C hannel 1
0 0 5 V /C M G A IN od|utln>enl.
If rotation of the VARIABLE VOLTS/CM control
through the minimum to 4-cm amplitude range
causes erratic jumping of the trace, replace the
f. Set the Channol 1 VARIABLE VOLTS/CM control to
the CALIB position.
9. Adjust Channel 1 .005 V /C M GAIN
(R128 A)
a. Test equipment setup is shown in Fig. 7-7. (The signal
is applied to Channel 1 for this step.)
b. Set the Standard Amplitude Calibrator for an output
of 20 mV.
c. Set the Channel I VOLTS/CM switch to .005.
d. CHECK—That the display is oxactly 4 cm in ampli*
tude (see Fig. 7-8).
0 0 5 V /C M
K 2 7 8 A
Channel 3
Fig. 7 -1 1 . Location of Channol 2 .05 V /C M G A IN adfuilmont.
e. ADJUST—Channel 1 .005 V/CM Gain control (sec
Fig. 7-11) to obtoin the correct amplitude display.
f. INTERACTION— Interacts with step 7.
10. Adjust Channel 2 .005 V /C M GAIN
a. Tost cquipmont selup is shown in Fig. 7-7.
b. Apply the 20-mV calibrator signal to Channel 2 IN
PUT connector.
c. Sot Channel 2 VOLTS/CM switch to .005, and MODE
switch to CH 2.
d. CHECK—That the display is exactly 4 cm in amplitude
(see Fig. 6-8).
e. ADJUST -Channol 2 .005 V/CM GAIN control (soo
Fig. 7-12) to obtain a display of correct amplitude.
f. Disconnect the Standard Amplitude Calibrator signal.
g. INTERACTION—Interacts with step 5.