automatically deleted at any time.)
Server Name
is the Internet address of the machine where
your email account resides, which also runs the SMTP server for outgoing email.
Email ID
is your
account name on that server.
Return Address
is the full email address (in the usual format:
“[email protected]”) you want your correspondents to reach you at, if different - for any reason -
from the email address resulting from combination of Email ID and Server Name
as specified in
the previous two fields. Please note that there is no Password field, and this can only be specified
and/or modified when you log into the account, as described in the “Electronic Mail” chapter.
In this page you can choose the on-screen
Keyboard Type
, whether it should have the
standard (QWERTY) layout or an alphabetic
(ABCDEF) layout.
You can adjust the
Screen Position
. To center the
image on your TV screen, use the four arrows. To
cycle through different filters to improve the image
quality on your TV, click on the button at the center
of the arrows.
If you specify a
Setup Password
and turn the unit
off, next time you try to access the Set-Up screens,
you will be prompted for this password.
We strongly suggest not to use the Setup Password, since a mistake in typing the
password in this screen, or forgetting it, will prevent you from accessing Set-Up again.
If your phone line is for an older-style
Pulse Dialing
phone or it’s connected to a PBX switching system
that requires you to dial a
Dialing Prefix
number to
access the external line, you will have to specify this
information in the Dialer screen. You can also
modify the
Modem Initialization String
, although
we strongly suggest not to, unless you really have
good experience with modems.
Disabling Call Waiting: the
Dialing Prefix
can be
used to automatically disable Call Waiting, by typing
into it the disable sequence (usually *70).