Shine Plus Maxi Digi
User Manual
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light of carriages can be turned on and off, based on the direction
commands sent to the consist addresses, while the interior lights in
different carriages can be turned on and off based on their individual
base addresses.
Only functions F0, F1-F12 can be used in consist mode. The
speed steps setting in CV29 must match the speed step setting
of the command station for both base and consist addresses.
Secondary address (decoder lock)
When using multiple decoders within the same housing, it is useful
to use a secondary address that will allow the selection of the
decoder in question. In this way any of the decoders that are inside
the same housing (carriage body) can be programmed on the
Programming Track without removing it. The secondary addresses
are programmed into CV16 before the decoders (in our case the
Shine Plus Maxi Digi with the onboard decoder) is being assembled
in their housing. The ranges of secondary addresses are 1-7 (value of
0 means that secondary addressing is not used). This permits the use
of maximum 7 decoders in the same carriage or locomotive housing,
which is more than enough.
If the value of CV16 is not equal to zero, the decoders will accept
programming commands only if the secondary address of decoder
that is intended to be programmed is programmed prior in CV15, and
it matches the value in CV16 (it should be the same as CV16 of the
decoder in question).
WARNING: even CV16 can be programmed only if the
correct value is programmed in CV15.
Using secondary addressing is important to know that the only CV
that can read and written without knowing the secondary address is