5 Storage and decommissioning
In case of inactivity, the system have to be stored according to the following rules:
Empty and clean the settling tank (remove the internal slides)
Clean and oil the mud extractor chain
Grease all bearings
Disconnect and clean each hose
Extract and clean the washing pump(s)
Disconnect and clean the anti-empty valve
Dismount horizontal and vertical manifolds and deep clean them
Dismount the booster pump and clean it
Store the system in a sheltered and dry place, protected by the sun light
In case of decommissioning, separate all parts according to the local laws.
Basically, parts can be divided as follow:
Metal: washing lanes, side panels, settling tank
Electric parts: mud extractor motor, dashboard, harnesses
Plastic: hoses, harness protections
Dangerous parts: pumps
Tecnoter srl unipersonale
Wheel washing
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