Washing of machine
(to be carried out every working day)
Preliminary rinsing of machine
Pour hot water (50/60°C) inside the hopper and press
the washing button and wait for the turbine to stop on
its own after 20 seconds.
Open the outlet with
machine still
and drain the dirty
water. Repeat 3 times.
Open the flange as in photo
and with the hose
spray, spray inside the refrigerator pipe removing the
last residues of dirt.
The turbine must be assembled when spraying
with the hose spray inside the refrigerator
Washing with product
Through t he hopper f ill about one t hird of t he
ref rigerat or pipe w it h hot w at er 40° /50° C, adding
some det ergent , (E.g. DIVER SEY
– SU91 found on
t he It alian market , or DIVER SEY
– VK3L found on
f oreign market s) in product concent rat ion at 5/10% .
Press the washing button and wait for the turbine to
stop on its own after 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Open the outlet with machine still and drain the dirty
Intermediate rinsing of machine
Pour cold water inside the hopper and press the
washing button and wait for the turbine to stop on its
own after 20 seconds.
Open the outlet with machine still and drain the dirty
water. Repeat 3 times.
Open the flange as in photo
and with the hose
spray, spray inside the refrigerator pipe removing the
last residues of dirt.
The turbine must be assembled when spraying with
the hose spray inside the refrigerator chamber.
Turbine dismantling and washing
Remove t urbine (
) f rom t he machine and
dismant le all scraping blades and rear gasket
Caref ully w ash all w it h t he same liquid and
det ergent used previous, rinse w it h running w at er.
Re-assemble all pieces placing t hem in t heir seat s
and place t he t urbine back inside t he ref rigerat or
During t he night leave t he f lange half open as in
phot o