CM Eth Combo
User Manual
Traffic Bandwith
is calculated from the overall bandwidth of the input ports, for
example: configured traffic bandwidth to 10% means the bit per second will be 100M
for 1000Base-T1 and 10M for 100Base-T1 channels.
: The average input shouldn’t be higher than the maximum bandwidth on the
configured logging ports.
Keep original VLANs in Header
If there is a VLAN-tag in the original captured ethernet frame, this VLAN-ID is
taken over to the PLP-protocol-header. This is only possible with enabled header
for logging ports
No extra handling of VLANs.
Use OuterVlans
To allow the OuterVlans you must deactivate
Use PLP header
With this option you can log packets as received without PLP header, but with
An outerVlan will be added in the captured frame. The additional bytes are four bytes.
The first two bytes are 0x9100 as ethertype and the second two are your configured
at the logged port (please have a look to
the BASE-T1 ports regarding
Destination MAC
Here you can configure the MAC-destination of the PLP-protocol header. Default Value
is 01:00:5E:00:00:00.
Enable packetization, Timeout for packetization
Packetization is enabled
Packetization is disabled
Packetization means, that more than one logged ethernet frame is packed in one PLP-
Frame (Ethernet-Frame). The maximum is limited by the number of bytes or the
Timeout for packetization
. If one limitation is reached, the PLP is sent out through the
logging port.
Maximum of bytes is 1250 bytes for the payload of the packetized PLP-frame.
Allowed values for Timeout [ms] are between 100ms and 65535ms.