CM Eth Combo
User Manual
A hard power reset will not wake up the device from sleep mode if you wait less
than 15 seconds. Only the WakeUP lines will wake it up immediately.
WakeUp Lines and Actuator
Figure 4-10: WakeUp lines
There are two WakeUp Lines. Both WakeUp lines can be
WakeUp Line 1 Actuator
: If this box is checked, this wakeup line provides the
same voltage as the voltage on the powerline (kind of loop through). It provides
power as long as there is a reason to stay awake.
WakeUp Line 1 Actuator
: If this box is unchecked, this wakeup line is only input
and wakes up the device when supplied.
WakeUp Line 2 Actuator
: If this box is checked, this wakeup line provides the
same voltage as the voltage on the powerline (kind of loop through). It provides
power as long as there is a reason to stay awake.
WakeUp Line 2 Actuator
: If this box is unchecked, this wakeup line is only input
and wakes up the device when supplied.