Power connector (top left)
Power supply for the device is supplied by Pin 18 (12Volt) and Pin 20 (Ground).
Requirements for the 100BASET1_SPY itself: 12 Volt DC up to 1 Ampere (typical 600mA)
If a voltage higher than 16 Volt is applied, the device will be damaged!
A wakeup-line may be connected on pin 5. The wakeup-line should have the same voltage level as
the power supply (12 Volt). A high level on one of these pins wakes up the ECU from sleep mode and
keeps it active.
Alternatively, the “
Prevent sleep
” checkbox in the control panel of the website can be enabled.
The CAN interfaces can be used to communicate with the Microcontroller by CAN and CAN-FD bus.
The LIN interface can be used to communicate with the Microcontroller by LIN bus.
The FlexRay interface can be used to communicate with the Microcontroller by FlexRay bus. In the
default software there is no data transmission specified.