On the tab „System Information“ some status information about the device is displayed. The user can
check the version number of the application firmware and the bootloader or the unique MAC adress
of the device. The version number registers of the switch and phy chips are displayed for information
The MAC adress should be the same as on the label on the bottom of the device.
The IP adress of the host microcontroller (Webserver) can be changed here. If the user wants to use
multiple devices in one network, an unique IP adress for each device must be set here.
: Before installing a new firmware, please restore the IP Address to the default one: In order to restore the IP, please see Section 9.
Control Panel Tab
On the „Control Panel“ tab The user can soft-reset (restart) the system.
Also the configuration settings of the device can be imported and exported to a file (*.bin) on a
computer connected to the RJ45 Port. The user have to restart the device for usage of the new
The user can reset the configuration settings to default. All the configuration stored will be revert to
its defaults values.
If you do not want to use a WakeUp line, The user can enable the “Prevent sleep” checkbox (default).
This will keep the device running without entering the sleep mode.