Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
Q: What is the delay time for Ethernet packets through the 100BASET1_SPY?
A: The propagation delay of the 100BASET1_SPY is constant 2us between two BroadR-Reach Ports
in SPY mode.
Q: Is AVB supported?
A: As the delay through the 100BASET1_SPY between two BroadR-Reach ports in only 2 us and
constant the 100BASET1_SPY will not influence a AVB time synchronous network negatively.
Q: After a firmware update the host LED 2 is still blinking fast. What to do?
A: The firmware update failed and the host is still in bootloader mode. Please restart the device
and try to update the application again as described in this manual.
Q: One of the BroadR-Reach is marked as red in the website, and I can see the message “The port is
not working”. Where is the problem?
A: It can be a hardware or software problem. In this last case, The user only need to restart the
device. If the problem continues after restarting, is a hardware problem, and The user should con-
tact us for more support.
Q: Why is the Ethernet Configuration Port not blinking?
A: Please, check the Ethernet Adapter configuration, and follow the instructions as described in this
manual, assigning the correct IP and subnet mask values.
Q: After updating the firmware version, the FPGA LED 2 is not blinking.
A: There was an error during the firmware installation, and the FPGA has no software, and the next
message will be shown on the webpage of the device:
Failed to flash the FPGA. Please try updating the board again!
In this case, please wait a few seconds until the HOST LED 1 is blinking and there is link up on Host
Ethernet Port, and then update again the firmware version.
Q: The device is not able to log in Wireshark, even if the website configuration seems to be right.
A: Some Ethernet Adapters must have the VLAN & Packet Priority option disabled. Please, change
this configuration, going to Ethernet Adapter Properties/Advanced/Packet Priority & VLAN. If this
option is enabled, just disabled. Otherwise, it should be enabled.
Please, check also that there is not any IP Address configured on the Ethernet Adapter, and the Win-
dows Firewall is disabled.
This last solution does not work with Intel Ethernet Adapters.
Q: I have problems with the website user interface.
A: The website is tested with Firefox and Internet Explorer. Firefox is preferred. Chrome is
not supported.