Area 1/ Area 2
: In this section, you are able to set the dual RF receiver parameters
including the Satellite Frequency, Symbol Rate, LNB Frequency, and LNB Voltage
(Polarization) with accurate values. Then you can press the “Submit” button to save your
settings or click “Refresh” button to refresh the screen.
Area 3
When the signal is locked, it is able to get the program list in by clicking the
ScanTS (Tuner1/Tuner2).
: Enable or disable corresponding input channel
Satellite Frequency (MHz):
set the satellite down conversion
frequency. You can get this parameter from the satellite program
Symbol Rate (KBaud):
set the correct symbol rate. You can get this
parameter from the satellite program provider.
LNB Frequency:
this is the LNB’s local oscillation (LO) frequency,
every LNB have one or two oscillation frequencies which can be
obtained from the LNB provider, or you can check on the LNB label.
The value is between 5000 and 6000.
LNB Power Supply:
LNB voltage is the power that supply to the LNB
in order to receive satellite signal with different polarization. Generally
Area 3
Area 1
Area 2