Under Voltage
This command is used to set the Programmable Under Voltage
threshold. When the input voltage drops below this threshold the
load will disconnect from the device under test and indicate an
Under Voltage fault. The load will not automatically reconnect
when the Voltage rises above the threshold. Setting the
Programmable Under Voltage to zero will disable it. The
programmable Under Voltage operation is not affected by the UV
bit in the Shutdown (SDN) register.
Command Syntax
UV <NR2>
UV 9.6
This will set the Programmable Under Voltage to 9.6 Volts. The
load will shutdown if the Voltage on its input terminals drops below
this threshold.
UV 0
This will disable the Programmable Under Voltage feature.
Query Syntax
Returned Parameters
Text On: <NR2> volts
Text Off: <NR2>
XBL Series 404078 Rev P2.odt Page 131 Of 162