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PI_FVM1000-0400_uk.doc Revision: 1
Operation in one-family-mode and basic mode
View and delete stored images
Condition: There is no voice connection. The video image is not activated.
View: Press the image button at your indoor station. The video image is activated.
Press the function key within 5 s.
The image stored latest is shown. If there is no image for the corresponding serial num-
ber available, the note “No images stored“ is shown.
Switch forward: By pressing the function key, you can switch forward to the next im-
Delete: By pressing the image button, the shown image can be deleted. If all available
images are deleted, the not “No image stored“ is stored.
Store images manually
Condition: An image can only be stored manually if the video image is shown or a
voice connection is established (voice connection after a door call came in or after
pressing the image button and speech button).
Store images: Press the function key. The current image is stored. Thus, the live image
is faded out and a corresponding illustration for confirming is shown.
End the image activation
When ending the image activation, the screen is switched off and the connection to the
image buffer is terminated.
End manually:
Press the speech button. Thus, a voice connection to the video front-door station is es-
End with actions in the system:
In case of an incoming door call, the live video image is shown and images are record-
ed automatically.
In case of a door call to another video indoor station.
The image button is pressed at another video indoor station in the system.
The speech button is pressed at another video indoor station in the system.
End automatically:
75 s after pressing the image button at the video indoor station