TCS TürControlSysteme AG, TCS Hotline Germany: +49 (0) 41 94/ 9 88 11 88
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PI_FVM1000-0400_uk.doc Version: 1
Operation modes
home mode
All door calls trigger image recording.
The images can be watched and deleted from all indoor stations. Thus, the serial
number of the indoor station has no meaning.
Watching images is realised via the image button and function key, if no voice connec-
tion is established.
For reasons of data protection the one-family-home mode is not permitted in a
multi-family home!
basic mode
Only door calls from such serial numbers, which were previously programmed, trigger
the image recording.
The images can only be seen and deleted from the specifically allocated indoor sta-
Watching images is realised via function key and image button, if no voice connection
is established.
comfort mode
Only door calls from known serial numbers trigger the image recording.
The images can be seen only on the indoor station, which is specifically allocated.
The recall is realised via special protocols.
For detailed information on operation see instruction manual or product information of the
video indoor station.
Programming with the infrared remote control
Initiate the programming via the infrared remote control.
For authorization, enter the digit sequence <serial number with 6 digits of the
FVM1000> (=factory setting).
Change the master code via infrared remote control
ATTENTION! Anyone, who can control the enclosed infrared remote control, can
program the device with the master code ex works. For safety reasons the master
code which is set ex works, should be changed when the device is commissioned!
End the programming
Important Notes
A correct entry causes a positive acknowledgement tone (
If the entry of an instruction sequence (
) is interrupted for 8 seconds, the
whole instruction sequence is cancelled, a negative acknowledgement tone (
If the instruction sequence does not correspond to the dictated syntax or too many pa-
rameter were entered, the whole instruction sequence is also cancelled, a negative
acknowledgement tone sounds.
When operating with the infrared remote control, the end edge should always face the
image buffer. The range of the infrared remote control is limited to a maximum of 1 m di-
rect distance.