The VSS™3 Reverb algorithm incorporates dedicated Early
Reflection types for motion picture use, e.g. Car, Bathroom
and Conference Rooms.
The VSS-3 algorithm occupies:
@ Normal Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
@ Double Sample Rate : 1/4 DSP Resource
Algorithm Inputs/Outputs are distributed as follows:
Range: 0.01 to 20s
The Decay time of the Reverb. Usually associated with the
time it takes the Reverb Tail to decay 60dB. This is the
overall Master Decay for the four band Decay parameters
(found in the REVERB section below) which are multiples
of this base Reverb time.
Rev Delay
Range: 0 - 200ms
A delay to the diffuse field part of the Reverb.
Adds additional time between the Early Reflections and the
onset of the “diffuse field” of the Reverb.
Pre Delay
Range: 0 to 100ms
A delay placed at the Input of the algorithm. This sets how
long after the dry sound the Early Reflections and the
diffuse field will begin.
Hi Cut
Range: 20 to 20kHz
Rolls off the top end as it enters the Reverb.
Used in conjunction with Hi Soften and Hi Decay to
“darken” a room.
Hi Decay
Sets the Decay time for the High-end frequencies of the
Reverb diffuse field.
Rev Level
Range: -100dB to 0dB
The Output level of the diffuse field part of the algorithm
When Rev Level is set to off, the effect will consist entirely
of Early Reflections.
Early Level
Range: -100dB to 0dB
The Output level of the Early Reflections. When Early Lev
is set to off the Reverb effect will consist entirely of Reverb
Dry Level
Range: Off to 0dB
Attenuates the Dry signal level on the Output side thus
leaving the Reverb and Early Level unaffected. Off equals
a “kill-dry” setting.
In Level
Range: Off to 0dB
Sets the In Level for the algorithm.
Out Level
Range: -100dB to 0dB
The overall Output level of the Reverb. This is mostly used
when the algorithms used in Serial with other Engines.
E1 - E4